Thanks for the support
A big thank you to everyone who has supported Lotti in the past by adopting a dog. This support has been very valuable and has helped and achieved a lot.
For me as the new owner of the Snowtrail Dogcamp, the dogs also come first. Their well-being and health are as important to me and my team as they were to Lotti. Therefore I am very happy if you continue to support your sponsored dog.
I myself grew up in the Kiruna region and participated 7 times in the world’s longest and toughest dog sled race, the “Iditarod” in Alaska, with 1’850 kilometers.
I am looking forward together with my team (these are among others Lotta my partner, Nynke and Conny) to welcome you soon here in the camp again and to share with you the passion for sled dogs and the wonderful nature. Together with my team I promise to do everything that not only your goddog but all dogs here in the camp are doing well.
Happy Trails, Mats Petersson and his team
⇒ Are you interested? Then please contact us. Thank you very much.
Sponsorship per sled dog: 1’900 SEK per year
In return, you will receive a sponsorship certificate and a current picture of your sponsored dog. During your stay, whether summer or winter, you may take care of your sponsored dog and spend a lot of time with him or her. If you come to us in winter, your sponsored dog may run with your team whenever possible.
- You will receive an updated photo and new information about your sponsored dog throughout the year, usually at the beginning of the season.
- The sponsorship is valid for one year from the date of receipt of the amount on the sponsorship account.
- The deposited amount will be used exclusively for food, veterinary costs or general keeping costs (e.g. maintenance of kennels).
- The use of the sled dog in the dog team depends on its age and state of health.
- If the sled dog dies, we will notify you and you will be able to choose another sled dog if it does not have a sponsor yet. The refund of the respective amount cannot be made.
The account details for sponsorship are
- Clearing No.: 8264-4
- Account number: 63 215 715-2
- IBAN: SE98 8000 0826 4406 3215 7152